Nový Prostor
A Nový Prostor, a weekly street magazine sold by the homeless, focuses on
controversial issues which are often overlooked by other publications. But Nový
Prostor attempts to be more than just a magazine.
B The name "Nový Prostor" translates as 'New Space' which suggests
the goal of the publication: to provide a new platform to everything in society which isn't normally accepted. So
it is referring to issues that are often sidelined
in the mainstream media: such as minorities, racism, feminism and
homosexuality. But of particular interest would be issues such as poverty,
unemployment, and social welfare which deal directly with the lives of people
most affected by Nový Prostor: the homeless.
C This counter-culture magazine is unique because it's run as a
non-profit organisation to help provide an income to the unemployed and
homeless. I caught up with two Nový Prostor vendors at Muzeum Metro Station in Prague... "Every day we sell about 25 to
30 copies each, from which we earn about 300 Czech crowns a day; that pays just
enough for food and rent. Currently, where we live it costs about 110 crowns
per day for rent... but we have to make sure we have enough for the weekend or
else we'll end up on the street. I'm still waiting for the construction company
that I used to work for to pay me... they owe me money and that's how I ended up
on the street...."
D Although many marginalised
people in the Czech Republic
end up in Prague, Nový Prostor is also sold in
smaller quantities in Brno, Plzen
and Ostrava.
Nový Prostor's Project Co-ordinator, Robert Sztarovics, is the man who
initially brought the idea from Great Britain
to Eastern Europe. He stressed his hopes that
Nový Prostor will be able to use its resources to benefit the marginalised
groups which it originally intended to help, beyond simply providing jobs.
E "The first social event we co-ordinated was the Christmas gathering where about 40 of our one
hundred vendors showed up, which is quite promising. We hope that this clubroom
will become their own. We want to offer these people an opportunity to engage
in a lifestyle similar to the average citizen. We are hoping to provide them
with an opportunity to become involved in social functions that may by be
otherwise out of their reach, in an attempt to return their sense of being part
of greater society. Some of the activities we're hoping to start up here are a
drama club, a writing club, and a soccer team. These may not seem like common
activities for a social organisation which deals with the marginalised in
society, but we're reacting to the great deal of interest that was shown in
these areas when they were proposed to our vendors.
gathering – shromáždění
marginalised – opomíjený
platform – stupínek
to sideline – postavit na
vedlejší kolej
vendor – prodejce
1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Questioning two vendors
2 Topics of articles in
Nový Prostor magazine
3 Other activities for
magazine vendors
4 Introduction
5 Where is Nový Prostor
2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What is the article about?
2 What are the magazine articles
3 Where is the magazine
4 How much do the vendors
earn? How much money do they need for everyday life?
5 What other activities are
provided by Nový Prostor?
3) Explain the following words.
1 unemployment
2 poverty
3 rent
4 to owe
5 provide a job
4) Answer the following questions.
Where do the majority of
homeless people in the Czech
Republic live? Where do
they sleep? What are their main problems? What are conditions for selling Nový
1. headings paragraph
ReplyDeleteA - 4 introduction
B - 2 topics of articles in Nový Prostor Magazine
C - 5 Where is Nový Prostor sold?
D - 1 Questioning two vendors
E - 3 Other activities for Magazine vendors
2. questions
1 What is the article about?
In the artile is writen magazine. The name is Nový Prostor. It is magazine when is writen homeless, focuses controvenctial issues.
2 What are the magazine articles about?
Articles are about poverty, unemployment, racism, feminism, homosexuality.
3 Where is the magazine sold?
Magazine is sold at muzeum Metro station in Prague and next cities Plzeň, Brno and Ostrava.
4 How much do the vendors earn? How much money do They need for everyday life?
Vendors earn about 300 czech crowns. For everyday life They need 110 crowns per day for rent.
5 What other activities are provided by Nový Prostor?
Nový Prostor provide some activities: Drama club, writting club, soccer team
3 words
Unemployment- It is situation when people in country do not go to joband They do not earn money.
poverty- It is situation in the life when people have not home, have not job, have not money.
rent- It is situation when somebody live in flat, he have to pay money for somebody, who got flat for you.
owe- It is verb. When somebody borrows money, he have to returns money. And situation while he does not return money it is owe.
provide a job- It is when somebody for me or other people got work and We can earn money for you.
with Alžběta Dvořáková
DeleteText 2.
1. C
2. B
3. E
4. A
5. D
1. The article is about magazine sold by the homeless.
2. The magazine articles are about such as minorities, racism, feminism and homosexuality. But of particular interest would be issues such as poverty, unemployment, and social welfare which deal directly with the lives of people most affected by Nový Prostor.
3. The magazine sold in the Czech Republic end up in Prague, Nový Prostor is also sold in smaller quantities in Brno, Plzen and Ostrava.
4.Every day they sell about 25 to 30 copies each, from which we earn about 300 Czech crowns a day.
5.The first social event they co-ordinated was the Christmas gathering where about 40 of our one hundred vendors showed up. They want to start up with draam club, a writting club and a soccer team.
1. unemployment - it's a person, who doesn't have a job
2. poverty - it's a situation, when people doesn't have enough money to food, rent, clothes, clean water
3. rent - it's price for a home
4. to owe - it's a situation, when you borrow money from other person and you must back it him
5.provide a job - it's a situation when you give a job for someone
2: 1. The article is about magazine sold by the homeless.
2. magazine articles about such as minorities, racism, feminism and homosexuality. But of particular interest would be issues such as poverty
3.the magazine sold in the Czech Republic end up in Prague, Nový Prostor is also sold in smaller quantities in Brno, Plzen and Ostrava.
4.Every day we sell about 25 to 30 copies each, from which we earn about 300 Czech crowns a day
5. The first social event they co-ordinated was the Christmas gathering
1 unemployment it´s a situation when people don´t a job and they don´t earn money
2 poverty- it's a situation, when people doesn't have enough money to food, rent, clothes, clean water
3 rent it's price for a home
4 to owe it´s a noun it is a situation where people do not have money and they borrow it and cannot return it
5 provide a job it's a situation when you give a job for someone