Sunday 4 November 2012

Global child pornography network smashed - Text 3

Global child pornography network smashed

A Australian detectives have charged 22 men including a policeman, a senior lawyer and a child care worker in connection with a child pornography-sharing network spanning 70 countries. “The investigation into men sharing images over the Internet – rather than downloading from an illicit website, a crime that is easier to detect – was prompted by information from a covert Brazilian police investigation a year ago,” Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Colvin said.

B “The Brazilian information, which was shared via the international policing network Interpol, identified more than 200 suspects in 70 countries,” he said. “These are some of the worst images, I must say, that the Federal Police have ever seen,” Colvin told reporters. “Australian police have seized 500,000 images of child abuse and 15,000 videos, some showing children being abused for more than two hours. The victims were as young as 12 months old,” he said.

C “Those charged in Australia include a Queen’s Counsel, the nation’s most senior and lucrative rank of attorney, a police officer and at least one child care worker,” Colvin said. Police did not say whether any arrests were made outside Australia in connection with the case.

D None of those charged can by law be identified before they appear in court. “These offenders have access to children, be it their own children, their neighbours’ children, children from broken relationships, children they might have responsibility for – some of these people are in positions of responsibility,” Colvin said. “Two children had been removed from defendants although there was no evidence that they had been abused,” he said.

E Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner Neil Gaughan said more arrests were expected this week. “All the charges relate to accessing the images and could result in a 10-year prison sentence for possessing child abuse material. The victims were mostly from the Americas as well as Eastern Europe,” he said.

be it – ať už
covert – skrytý
defendant – obžalovaný
illicit – nezákonný
spanning – sahající
to charge – obvinit

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 There are civil officers among the charged
2 Interpol identified a great amount of suspects, images and videos
3 The accused had access to children
4 Australian detectives have accused 22 people
5 Neil Gaughan’s comments

2) Read the article again and answer the questions.

1 What is the article about?
2 What have Australian and Brazilian officers done?
3 What is said about child abuse?
4 Who are the abusers? Where do they come from? What do thy do?
5 What could be their sentence?

3) Explain the following words.

1 child care worker
2 child pornography-sharing network
3 responsibility
4 broken relationship
5 victim

4) Answer the following questions.

What is child sexual abuse? What are types of child sexual abuse? What is child pornography? Who is a paedophile?

Adjusted to:


  1. 1) C,B,D,A,E
    a) The article is about child pornography. It's about men who have been arrested for sharing child pornography.
    b) They arrested 22 men in 70 countries.
    d) 22 men, including a police officer, a senior lawyer and a childcare worker.
    e)10 years in prison for possession of child abuse material
    child care worker - It's a noun. He is a person who works at a social security office and helps children.
    child pornography-sharing network - It's a noun. It is a site where rapists stored materials from abuse and child pornography.
    responsibility - It's an adverb. It is a the state of having a duty to deal with something or of having control over someone.
    broken relationship - It's a noun. It is the opposite of a relationship without a problem.
    victim - It's a noun. He is a person who is being subjected to violence.

  2. 1) 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.E
    2) 1. The article is about child pornography. It is also about men who were convicted of child pornography
    2.Brazilian information shared through the Interpol international police network has identified more than 200 suspects in 70 countries
    3.perpetrators have easy access to children, be they their own children, the children of their neighbors,
    4. 22 men of child pornography in 70 countries
    5. 10-year in prison sentence for possession of child abuse material.
    3)1. child care worker it´s a noun. He is a person who works with children who have educational problems
    2.child pornography-sharing network - It´s a noun. this is a website where child pornography is stored.
    3.responsibility - It's an adverb. It is a situation where it is necessary to deal with something or have control over someone.
    4.broken relationship - It´s a noun. It is a situation where the relationship between people does not work and they have a problem
    5. victim - it is a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident. It is a noun

  3. 1: 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-A 5-E
    2: 1-This article is about child pornography and about a group of men who shared the pornography with the world.
    2-They charged 22 men and identified more tha 200 subjects of the group sharing child pornography.
    3-It said the abusing people usually had a responsibility for the child and the pornography images was the worst than the police has ever seen.
    4-The abusers were in 70 countires, they were men who abused children and then shared pornography.
    5-They can be sentenced for 10 years in prison for possessing child abuse material.

    3: 1-child care worker- it's a noun phrase. It's a person who works with children and takes care of them.
    2-child pornography-sharing network- it's noun phrase. It's a site on the internet where a child pornography is shared.
    3-responsibility¨it's a noun. It's a duty person has over some situation or some other person.
    4-broken relationship- it's a phrase. It's a type of relationship between two people which is not healthy and good for both sides.
    5-victim- it's a noun. It's person who is a target of some kind of attacks.

  4. 1)
    1. C, 2.B, 3.D, 4.A, 5.E

    1. The article is about men who shared child pornography.
    2. They arrested 22 men in 70 countries.
    3. That these were the worst pictures of children the police had ever seen. Some children were only 12 months old.
    4. 22 men, including a police officer, a senior lawyer and a childcare worker.
    5. 10 years in prison for possession of child abuse material.

    1. child care worker - it's a phrase, it's a worker helping children in need
    2. child pornography-sharing network - it's a phrase, it's a site on the Internet where child pornography is shared
    3. responsibility - it's a noun, it's a situation where it is necessary to deal with something or have control over someone
    4. broken relationship - it's a phrase, it's a situation where two people stop understanding each other and break up
    5. victim - it's a noun, it's a person who is abused
