Sunday 15 September 2013

Homelessness - video

1. Watch the video about homelessness and write its brief summary in 10 sentences. 2. Add other 5 pieces of information concerning homelessness.


  1. This video was about a woman who ended up homeless. Her father died and she quited her job as a journalist. She lived in her van with her pets, one cat and one dog. She showered in camps or in public restrooms and she ate in the van. This woman moved the van every day so she wasn't suspicious and cops wouldn't notice her. Then she was getting depressed and maybe she lost hope for a while. She even thought about a suicide. One of the homeless people she met told her she wasn't just a homeless, he told her she had hope. The woman started to write again and she slept in her friends home or in her van. She said it was important to never lose hope.

  2. This video is about woman, who lived in delivery as homeless. Before she worked as writter and journalism. She spoke of the possible decisions she made after her father's death. Belly was
    experiencing problems and heat and cold. She spoke about not engaging to homelessnes community. She says homelessnes is not a lifestyle but an attitude.She had thoughts of suicide and had depression. She received new hope from a writter who mentioned her essay. At the end she advise others to give hope to hemeless poeple.

  3. 1. This video is about women which planned to live in her van for a year and see the country.
    2. She lived in mobile van with her dog and cat.
    3.She went to different place every day
    4. At first she wasn´t so bad, she had a shower every day, she had something to eat.
    5. Later she became depressed and after the medication she had suicidal tendencies.
    6. after some time he returned to writing essays
    7. she still lived in the van but occasionally slept with friends
    8. she realized she was a good writer
    9. she worked as a journalist in the summer of the following year and was no longer homeless
    10. looking for housing with a dog and a cat was very difficult for her

  4. This video is about one year life woman who saied her story. She was successful writter but her father died and she fell in depresion. She moved to pickup with cat and dog. Start was good she took shower in the camp and had meditation in pickup. But in summer life was harder because tepmerature were high, food was rotten and they smelled like socks. She took shower in the toilet on petrol station. She slept in pickup every night on different places. She had to start work again becouse she had bills to paied. She felt like homeless but other homeless felt like she is not homeless. In winter had different probles becouse weather was to zero. One day she saw her work in book successful writter. And she realized her talent was still here and she was still the same person. In the end of this video she saied about suicidal thoughts. Now she has job, new flat and life experience.

  5. 1. This video is about woman, who lived in delivery as homeless.
    2. She lived in mobile van with dog and cat
    3. But in summer life was harder because tepmerature were high, food was
    rotten and they smelled like socks.
    4. At first she wasn´t so bad, she had a shower every day, she had something to eat.
    5. She slept in pickup every night on different places.
    6. She still lived in the van but occasionally slept with friends
    7. In winter had different probles becouse weather was to zero.
    8. She received new hope from a writter who mentioned her essay.
    9. Looking for housing with a dog and a cat was very difficult for her
    10. She said it was important to never lose hope.
