Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Refugee camps

Comment each video in 10 sentences:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The first video is about family life in a Syria refugee camp. The video show us in what conditions they must live there. They don't have enough clean water, lives only under tents without some floor, or they don't have own toilets. They had to leave their home because in their country are wars and suffering.
    The second video is about life in Afghan refugee camp. In the camp lives more than 3 million refugees. There people lives in horrible conditions too. They get only water. The families had to sell their own daughter for sack of grain. The help get only registred refugees. The situation there is really harrowing.

  3. The first video is about a refugee camp in Syria. There are two women speaking about the reasons they left their homes and what life in a refugee camp is like. They also speak about the situation during Ramadan. It's hot outside, everyone fast in this time so they are always thirsty and there is not enough water. They also said that living in tent during Ramadan in a nightmare.

    The second video is about life in refugee camps in Afganistan. There are four hundred families in one refugee camp. There is a lack of tents, oils and money. People have to lay on the ground. There are more than three million refugees now. If these refugees are not registered, they don't get any food.

  4. Video ,,A mother must be stronger than mother,, is about life in Syrian refugee camp. Woman speaks about life before their neightbourhood was kept being raided. She speaks about Ramadan and problem with it now. It is hard because they are very thirsty. Even if they live by the river but now they do not have a lot water. It is a lot of problems like the childern are getting sunstroke fron sppending long time on sun. They do not have enough toilet and medical care. They speak about Syria because it is their home and childern need remember their memories.
    The second video is about life in Afghan refugee camp. People want to money and oil. They onle get water. They fled the Russian. A lot of innocent people were killed. In camp are more than 3 million refugees and the goverment only help with registered. People had to sell their daughters for snack.

  5. The first video.
    It's about a woman who tells how their surroundings were attacked once or twice a week
    They beat up their son and arrested their husband
    They have very poor health care, lack of toilets
    Her dream is to go home to Syria
    When he sees the pain, the bombing still remembers his good memories at the camp.
    The situation is very difficult thought of some divine wisdom people from all parts of Syria has been gathered here in one place
    They often have heat stroke because they are in the sun all day.
    The big problem is the huge heat in the tents
    They have to fight for every drop of water.
    People are very thirsty, when it is tremendously hot people have a greater need to wash
    The second video.
    Is about life in Afganistan refugee camps. People want to money and oil. If these refugees are not registered, they do not get any food.. People lay in on the gound. There are now more than 3 million refugees.There people lives in horrible conditions too.

  6. Refugee camps
    Life syrian refugee camp
    In the first video is hard situation fot this mother, because she stayes in refugee camp with three her children. In camp They must stuggle for every drop of water. She said: " In camp is not lot of water for everybody, and she has got 3 children. For syrian family is not easy leave their home. But They left home, because in their country is war, bombs and terorist attack. Children have to bring water in bucked. For people from Syrian is hard leave home and come in camps in new county. In camps are not lot of water and food for many people, who are in camp. In camps is bad hygiene and small place for people. Children can not wash your body. Children and their mother have not got beds for sleep. When somewhere are more people together, it is big problem with illnesess. Children are ill, They need helath care.

  7. Refugee camps in Afganistan- second video.
    In this refugee camp is 3 000 000 refugees now. Goverment say, if somebody want to stay in this country, They have to registered, nobody say them, how They registered and where. Refugee in camp have to stay by wall and They have to lie in land. They do not have got roof over their heads. Women in video said: " We need money, tents and oil would be help too". and They have not got anything. With hygiene it is not good in this camp like in the camp in first video. There are 3 000 000 refugee, it is more more food and lot of water for this people. Why nobody say how and where people in camp can registered? Does goverment help this people? It is hard, because Afganistan and pakistan do not want cooperate. It is my opinion.
