Caring for the elderly
A Anyone who is healthy, under 40, and living in a developed country now
has a good chance of surviving past 100. But surveys show that many people show
that many people think that old age means only boredom and mental and physical decay, and do not see any advantage in
B The medical problems associated with old age are classified by
gerontologists under the four Is (also known as “The giants of Geriatrics”):
intellectual impairment
/ confusion,
These problems are
seriously disabling, and elderly
people are often highly dependent on nursing care. Many are bedridden.
Neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, depression, problems with eating,
and skin breakdown are the main areas of research and hot issues for the
elderly and for the people who take care of them. Physical and emotional abuse
by relatives and care staff is also receiving attention from health authorities
and the police in a number of countries.
C Studies show that chronic impairments in elderly people such as
deafness and muscle weakness are frequently mistaken for failing mental
abilities. Thus, an elderly woman admitted to Accident and Emergency Department
after a fall may be referred to a social worker to judge if she is able to take
care of herself, whereas, if she were 40 years younger, there would be a full
medical investigation.
D Gerontologists argue that it is possible to grow old and die without
losing faculties to dementia. But
while many believe that “old” is just a state of mind, in reality factors such
as the loss of a lifetime partner, and a sense of uselessness and social
isolation after retirement, tend to make the elderly more prone to apathy and depression, which increases vulnerability to disease.
E Elderly people can be very demanding to nurse. They can often be inattentive, with disorganized thought
and speech, and disturbed behaviour. But geriatric nurses have to build
meaningful relationships with the elderly patients in long-term care. They
should be patient, enthusiastic, and understanding towards their problems.
confusion – zmatení
decay – úpadek
disabling – vyřazující
faculties – schopnosti
impairment – zhoršení
inattentive – nepozorný
prone – náchylný
vulnerability – náchylnost
1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Referring elderly people
to be mentally disabled
2 Introduction
3 Depression brings about
to a disease
4 Problems of old age
5 Relationship with a nurse
2) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What is the article about?
2 What are the four Is?
3 What are typical problems
of old people?
4 Do we behave differently
to a forty and eighty years old woman? If yes how and why?
5 What causes depression of
elderly people?
6 Describe a good geriatric
3) Explain the following words.
1 deafness
2 Accident and Emergency
3 lifetime
4 gerontologist
5 enthusiastic
4) Answer the following questions.
What are typical problems
of elderly people in the Czech
Republic? What are their
typical diseases? What helping medical aids do they need? What kinds of pension
do you know?
Adjusted to:
Tony. Oxford English for Careers : Nursing 1 Teacher's Resource Book. Oxford : Oxford
University Press, 2007. Caring
for the elderly, s. 30.
1- This article is about old people and their disabilities and problems connected to old age.
2- It means intellectual impairment, immobillity, instabillity, incontinence
3- The main problems are neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, depression, problems with eating, and skin breakdown.
4- yes, we behave differently because young person is ill or injured, he/she is medical investigated but old person is not
5- The depression of old people is caused by the loss of a lifetime partner, and a sense of uselessness and social isolation after retirement.
1 deafness- it’s a noun. It means when the person can’t hear.
2 Accident and Emergency Department- it’s a part of a hospital where people with urgent problems go.
3 lifetime- it’s a whole human life
4 gerontologist- it’s a doctor who works with old people.
5 enthusiastic- it’s a type of attitude. It means when someone is happy and is looking forward to something.
1The article is about elderly peole their mental and physical health and their relationship with nurse.
2Intellectual impairment / confusion, immobility, instability, incontinence
3 Four is: Many are bedridden. Neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, depression, problems with eating, and skin breakdown are the main areas of research and hot issues for the elderly and for the people who take care of them.
4 Young woman get better medical care than old woman.
5 The loss of a lifetime partner, and a sense of uselessness and social isolation after retirement, tend to make the elderly more prone to apathy and depression, which increases vulnerability to disease.
6 They should be patient, enthusiastic, and understanding towards their problems.
Deafness= It is a situation when peole can not hear.
Accident and Emergency Department= It is part in a hospital when you get first aid.
Lifetime= It is time from our born to our death.
Gerontologist= Doctor
Enthusiastic= It is a situation when you are very happy.
2:1. 1:This article is about elderly peolpe a their mental ad psychical disabilites.
2:intellectual impairment / confusion,immobility,instability,incontinence.
3:. Many are bedridden. Neurodegenerative diseases, sleep disorders, depression, problems with eating, and skin breakdown
4: Young woman get better medical care
5:as the loss of a lifetime partner, and a sense of uselessness and social isolation after retirement, tend to make the elderly more prone to apathy and depression, which increases vulnerability to disease.
6: they should be patient, enthusiastic, and understanding towards their problems.
3: Deafness= It is a situation when peole can not hear.
2 Accident and Emergency Department it´s a place in hospital when people get firt aid.
3 lifetime it´s time from bort to death
4 gerontologist it´s a doctor who deals ageing people
5 enthusiastic having or showing intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.