Free-time activities of elderly people
A Social activities for the elderly are essential because they help in
bringing about considerable improvement in their health condition and their
overall well-being. This is because any activity will increase their body
movements which in turn will improve the condition of their physical health. It
is also needed for their mental wellness as it helps to get rid of depression,
dementia and memory loss. It adds up to their confidence and gives them a sense of independence. They should include leisure and cultural activities
specifically designed for the elderly. This can also contribute to the society
as we can come to know about their special skills.
B Club “Seniors in Action” offers a lot of leisure and cultural activities
for the elderly. Seniors are provided with several types of creative, sports,
and educational courses. They can take part in computer, and creative writing classes; play bingo, bridge,
and chess; go social and line dancing, sightseeing, to the theatre, cinema, for
a trip, or on excursions. They are allowed to attend sewing, knitting, and
gardening courses or do yoga, tai-chi, senior, and aquatic exercise as well. They
can meet with the club members at the restaurants, cafes, and barbecue parties.
C Social activities for the elderly in the form of recreation in some
ways have a therapeutic effect on their mind and body. However, as the elderly
do not have flexible body movements, certain modifications need to be made to
accommodate them into various recreational activities. Fishing, boating, playing golf, etc., are enjoyed by
the elderly “Seniors in Action” as they can be done with minimum physical
movements. Various sports equipment that has been altered for the convenience of the elderly is available in the club
which enables the elderly to take part in various sport activities. For indoor
activities, there are video games
with necessary adaptive controls which the elderly can play.
D The basic aim of all these social activities for the elderly is to boost up their self-esteem. It gives
them an opportunity to express their feelings. Lastly, one more thing to be added
is that cognitive activities for the elderly are very helpful in checking some
of the age related serious ailments
like Alzheimer’s disease. It can include solving various types of puzzles or
certain mental mathematics where the use of paper and pencil is not allowed.
Keeping them happy and busy is the secret.
ailment – onemocnění
alter – změnit, upravit
– plavba na lodi
boost up – podpořit
confidence – sebedůvěra
include – zahrnout
1) Read the article and answer the questions.
1 What is the article about?
2 What is the project Club
“Seniors in Action” about?
3 What do elderly people do
in this club?
4 What helps them to
improve their physical health?
5 What helps them to
improve their physical health?
6 What activities are done
outside the club?
7 Which diseases can be
stimulated by these activities?
2) Explain the following words.
1 independence
2 leisure
3 tai-chi
4 cognitive activities
5 disease
3) Answer the following questions.
What are usual free-time
activities of elderly people in the Czech
Republic? What kinds of stimulation
do they have in care homes? Are there any senior clubs you know? How would you
change the leisure time of your grandparents?
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