Friday, 15 February 2013

Bohnice addiction treatment centre - text 2

Bohnice addiction treatment centre

A Alcoholism is rising fast among Czech women as they try to cope with new stresses. Monika Plocová, 40, still remembers the day seven years ago when she finally realized that she had a drinking problem. She was lying on her couch, shaking and unable to get up. All she could think about was the bottle of gin. "My marriage was unhappy," she recalls. "My husband was very controlling. And so I drank to help my anxiety and depression."

B Plocová's story isn't unusual. Women who suffer from severe alcoholism in the Czech Republic have grown faster than those of men during the past 10 years. The number of women being treated for delirium tremens has more than doubled since the mid-1990s, according to statistics from Prague's Psychiatric Centre. The number of men with the condition has risen a third. Currently, there are close to 200 women in state facilities countrywide being treated for severe alcoholism.

C Plocová should know. It took her over 10 years to realize she needed help. Now she is a therapist at Bohnice, where she received treatment seven years ago, and she is the author of two books about her experience.

D It's only 8:30 a.m., but the 32 women in pavilion No. 8 at Bohnice's addiction treatment centre have already been up for two hours. Their days are strictly regimented. Half are dealing with alcoholism. Other women are battling drug addiction. The treatment for both groups is the same: When they aren't taking part in group therapy, they're making pottery, painting or riding horses. Stays at Bohnice range from 11 weeks for a basic treatment program to three months for more serious cases.

E One recent morning, 11 patients gather in a circle. Some tell their stories. A petite 30-year-old with dyed red hair talks for more than an hour about the roots of her alcoholism. She started drinking in high school, and by the time she went to university and got a job at a bar, drinking became an essential part of her life. In her lowest moments, she spent the day lounging on the couch at home, drinking vodka. She says her drinking probably has something to do with her very strict upbringing and her parents' high expectations of her. Another woman, slightly older, blames her drinking on her lack of confidence. "It's always this fear that drives me to it," she says. "Sometimes I blame the experts who are supposed to help me but can't."

F Plocová goes around the room asking the women who the most important people in their lives are. Most answer "my children" or "my family." One woman, in her 50s, shakes her head in disagreement. "I've realized here that I'm the most important person in my life," she says. "If I can't like myself, then I can't properly care for others, either."

anxiety – úzkost
pottery – hrnčířství
to battle – bojovat
upbringing – výchova

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Regime in Bohnice
2 Monika Plocová’s story
3 Plocová today
4 Who is the most important person in your life?
5 Women alcoholics’ statistics
6 Stories of the clients

2) Read the article again and answer the questions.
1 What is the text about?
2 Who is Monika Plocová? What does she do? What problems did she have?
3 What is the regime in Bohnice like?
4 What are typical reasons for women alcoholism?
5 How can the women stop drinking?

3) Explain the following words.
1 alcoholism
2 depression
3 delirium tremens
4 psychiatric centre
5 group therapy

Who can become an alcohol consumer? What are symptoms of alcoholism? How can people stop drinking? Who and where can help them? What types of therapies do they undergo?

Adjusted to:


  1. 1) D,A,C,F,B,E
    2) a) This text is about chzech women which are problem with alcohol. In chzech republic are 200 woman. The number of women is rising.
    b) She is former alcoholic which now work as therapist in Bohnice. And she is the author of two books about her experience.
    c) Women in bohnice have group therapy,they're making pottery, painting or riding horses.
    d) anxiety, depression, after trauma
    e) They seek professional help. Therapeutic or treatment
    3) alcoholism - it´s disease when people a lot of drinking and losing control abot yourself
    depression - it´s kind of mental disease when people have long time bad feelings
    delirium tremens - it´s last period of alcoholism. Pople have
    psychiatric centre - it´s hospital for people with psychiatrics disease and problems
    group therapy - it´s kind of therapy when people are entrusted with their story
    4) Everyone who regularly drinks. Peple can be agressive, say that haven´t problem with alcohol, lost contact with family. They can go to the hospital or to therapist. The types are group therapist, manual work, sports.

  2. 1:
    1-The text is about women alcoholism. It's also about woman Plockova who was an alcoholic. It's about Bohnice and the regime there.
    2-Monika Plockova is a woman who was addicted to an alcohol.She was in unhappy marriage so she started drinking. Now she works in Bohnice as a therapist and she wrote two books about her experience.
    3-The regime in Bohnice is really strict. They wake up at 6 am. They have to take a part in a group therapy. Then they have to make pottery, paint or ride horses.
    4- The reasons can be strict upbringing and parents' high expectations, unhappy marriage, lack of confidence, job in a bar.
    5-They can go to the addiction treatment centre where they help them stop drinking. They stay there from 11 weeks for a basic treatment program to three months for more serious cases.

    1- alcoholism is a type of addiction. The person can't live withoutan alcohol.
    2- depression is an psychiatric ilness. People in depression are very sad, have no energy, they usually don't want to get up from bed. They should be treated by a psychiatrican.
    3- delirium tremens is a mental and physical state of body when it doesn't have the thing it needs, like an alcohol or drugs. The people feel like they'are dying. It's the last phase of alcoholism.
    5- group therapy is a type of therapy where there are few people with the same or similar problems and they talk about it.

  3. 1.1.D
    2. 1. The article is about woman she has problem with alcohol and about her addiction treatement in Bohnice.
    2. Monika Plocová is woman which she finally realized that she had a drinking problem. And she has addiction treatement in Bohnice. All she could think about was the bottle of gin. Her marriage was unhappy And so she drank to help her anxiety and depression.
    3.the Bohnice regime starts at 8:30 in the morning, women have the next regime to follow. They go to different therapies and if not deal with manufacturing.
    4. the reasons for women's alcoholism are distrust of themselves, unhappy marriage, parenting,
    5. women can stop drinking when they have a family around them that helps them, and also voluntary alcohol treatment
    3.1.Alcoholism is a problem with drinking alcohol where people are addicted to it.
    2. Depression is a long-term mental disorder, major mood swings, lack of motivation
    3.Delirium tremens or is a life-threatening condition that occurs in alcoholics when alcohol is stopped. It is the most severe stage of withdrawal syndrome
    4.psychiatric center is a facility for people who have problems with addictions.
    5. group therapy is therapy for people with the same problem where others tell their story and what problem they have

  4. 1)

    1. The article is about women with alcohol addiction and their life and treatment.
    2. Monika Poolova is a therapist at Bohnice and the author of two books about her experience. She had alcohol addiction for 10 years than she go to therapy and now she helps another women with their addiction.
    3.They have some group therapy or they are making pottery, painting or riding horses. They get up at 6:30 hours morning.
    4. The reasons are many, the main are misunderstanding, stress, anxiety, high demands or difficult life situation.
    5. It is important to find a reason to stop like a family, children, health and love for yourself and use benefit from the help of experts.

    1. It's a addiction on alcohol, it's big problem in society.
    2. It's a condition when we feel anxiety, misunderstanding, we are not enjoying life. It's a dangerous condition that needs to be treated in the worst case.
    3. It's a hard condition to alcohol addiction people, where they see and hear a hallucination which they trust.
    4. It's a centre for people with psychiatric problems like addiction, some mental deases or behaviour problems like criminal activity.
    5. It's a type of therapy when more people talk about their problems, starting with addiction and reasons for it with other addiction people there with the help of a professional.

    1. Everyone who is drinking alcohol regularly in larger quantities and with alcohol solves its your problems.
    2. The stress without alcohol, no controling behaviour without alcohol, shaking hands, poor sleeping and digestion etc.
    3. When they found a reasons for stop drinking like a family, children, healt and next. And seek special help.
    4. Many organizations for addiction, psychiatric centre, group therapy or psychologist and family.
    5. They have a many therpist like group therapy, therapy with handmade, horse therapy, sport therapy, occupational therapy or therapeutic camps.

  5. 1.
    D, A, C, F, B , E
    1- The text is about addicted women on alcohol and drugs problems. Medical treat in Bohnice and Monika Plocová.
    2- Monika was addicted woman on alcohol and now she is a therapist at Bohnice. She goes around the room and asking the women who is the most important people in their lives?
    3- They get up very early. Half of women are dealing with alcoholism and others are battling drug addiction. When they aren't taking part in group therapy, they're making pottery, painting or riding horses.
    4- Unhappy marriage.
    5- 11 patients gather in a circle. Some tell their stories.
    It is addiction on alcohol.
    It is bad feeling like everything is bad and nasty and I want to die.
    It is situation when addicted people drink too much and have hallucination.
    It is place when stay people which have problems with alcohol, drughs and other....
    It is circle where sit addicted people and tell each other their stories.
    Everyone who is 18 years old. Red eyes, tremor, need drink, agresion, need more and more. When they realy want to stop it and have support. Group theraphies, octupation theraphies.
