Friday, 15 February 2013

Money-lending gangs and drug problems in Czech Romany ghetto Předlice - text 4

Money-lending gangs and drug problems in Czech Romany ghetto Předlice

A “The number of heroin-addicted in Ústí nad Labem grows. The amount of Drug-out centre clients using heroin has tripled in the last half-year. The count of narcomaniacs in the centre of Ústí nad Labem is estimated up to 4000 persons,” announced Radka Koblížková, the head of contact centre Drug-out club.

B The most problematic parts are still the socially excluded localities. “We have realised the problems in the existing localities is much worse than we have estimated,” Koblížková describes. Mainly Předlice, Krásné Březno, Mojžíř and Trmice are affected in Ústí nad Labem.

C “Crime, drugs, excessive money-lending and gambling, these are the evils plaguing the neighbourhoods inhabited by Czech Romanies”, Marek Podlaha, head of the Agency for Social Integration of Romany Localities explains. “The situation in the socially excluded localities is constantly worsening and a peculiar system with its own rules independent from the outside world is often created there,” Podlaha said about the neighbourhoods inhabited by some 80,000 people, mostly Romanies. “Předlice, a neighbourhood on the outskirts of the north Bohemian town of Ústí nad Labem, is a case in point. Any person coming there is immediately noticed and closely watched as are the people who meet them. As a result, locals prefer to avoid any contact with visitors as they are afraid,” he added.

D Unemployment in Předlice reaches the astonishing 90 percent, while almost everyone is involved in illegal work there. Locals are plagued by money-lenders who have forced them to sign extremely disadvantageous loans at exorbitant interest rates. Nine years ago, Romany clans from Moravia moved in. Their members got rich through prostitution, drug dealing and money-lending. They started buying property in Předlice. They have introduced exorbitant rents the residents are unable to pay. Hence their resort to usury, the daily describes the vicious circle.

E “In Předlice, a community centre Drug-out club has been established in which the agency works along with the local authorities, local NGOs, a sanitary official, a social worker, a doctor and the police,” Podlaha said. “I believe that if we are in day-to-day contact with locals, we will gain their trust and they themselves will seek our help,” he added. “This could worsen the position of the mafia ruling here,” Podlaha said. “Above all, there is some first-hand information for us. Rapid improvement can be expected in some simple problems such as sanitation, perhaps within one or two years,” he added.

exorbitant – přemrštěný
plaguing – zamořující
peculiar – svébytný, osobitý
property – majetek
usury – lichva
vicious circle – bludný kruh

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.
1 Předlice has its own rules
2 Establishing Drug-out club
3 The number of heroin-addicted grows
4 Vicious circle in Předlice
5 Socially excluded localities are problematic

2) Read the article again and answer the questions.
1 What is the text about?
2 What are problematic parts of Ústí nad Labem? What are their problems?
3 How many people are heroin addicted in Ústí nad Labem?
4 How can Drug-out centre help them?
5 What do we know about mafia in Předlice?

3) Explain the following words.
1 narcomaniac
2 socially excluded locality
3 gambling
4 outskirt
5 unemployment

What does the life at outskirts look like? Is there any similar place in Jihlava? What are its problems? Who helps the people there?

Adjusted to:


  1. Objevte eToro, největší sociální investiční síť na světě, kde miliony klientů vydělávají kopírováním obchodních rozhodnutí našich nejlepších obchodníků.

    Výměna kdekoli - Váš čas je drahý. Obchodujte na počítači, mobilu a tabletu

    Otevřené obchody na eToro - 227,651,647

  2. 1:

    1- This text is about heroin-addicted people in problematic parts of Ústní nad Labem. It's about the problems there, people who live there and about Drug-out club which helps people in this location.
    2-Mainly Předlice, Krásné Březno, Mojžíř and Trmice are affected. The problems are drugs, money-lending and gambling, maybe even prostitution.
    3-There are more than 4 thousand people addicted to heroin in Ústní nad Labem.
    4- The club tries to worsen the position of the mafia ruling there. They also tries to improve in problems such as sanitary.
    5-There are Romany clans that moved from Moravia. Their members got rich through prostitution, drug dealing and money-lending. They bought property in Předlice. The people who live there have high rents which they are not able to pay.

    1-narcomanic- it's a person who is addicted to some kind of drug.
    2-socially excluded locality- these are places who are socially cut off from the rest of the city. People live there in poor conditions.
    3- gambling- it's an activity. The person can't stop playing slot machines and he pays for it. It's type of addiction.
    4- outskirt- it's a part of a city which is located in the farest part. Synonyme is suburb.
    5-unemployment- it's a situation when a person doesn't have a job.

  3. 1.1.C
    2. E
    3. A
    4. D
    5. B
    2.1. The article is about problem with drug in Romany ghetto Předlice and the community center has been set up. People make buissnes
    2.The number of heroin addicts is growing. The most problematic parts are still socially excluded localities. In Ústí nad Labem mainly Předlice, Krásné Březno, Mojžíř and Trmice are affected.
    3.The number of in the center of Ústí nad Labem is estimated at 4,000 people.
    4.They will be in daily contact with the residents, so they hope to seek their help. Get rid of the dependence on the mastiffs
    5.heir members got rich by prostitution, drug trafficking and lending money. They started buying real estate in Předlice. They introduced exaggerated rents that residents cannot pay.
    3.1. narcomaniac is a person who uses drugs and is addicted to them
    2. the socially excluded locality is part of the city, which is located on the outskirts of the city, people living there in poor conditions is an addiction to gambling for money
    4. The outskirt is now part of the city and is located around its historic center.
    5. the state of being unemployed. when person don´t have a job

  4. 1) C,E,A,D,B
    2)a) This article about gangs and drog problem in Ústí nad Labem, where the number of heroin-addicted grows. Next about unemployment in Předlice. People from Pedlice have debts. In Předlice, a community centre Drug-out club
    b)In Ústí is problem with heroin. The most problematic parts are still the socially excluded localities.
    c) 4000 person
    d) Help from organizations with which it cooperates. With social worker,doctor o police.
    e) Romanies from Moravia.
    3) narcomatic - people who adicted to on drugs all the tima
    socially excluded locality - part of sity, where live Roma people, gangs or people with social disadvantage
    gambling - adicted to automatic machines and lost money
    outskirt - part of city
    unemployment - situation, when people lost job and haven´t it
