Monday, 1 April 2013

APLA-Prague – Association in Aid of Persons with Autism - Text 1

APLA-Prague – Association in Aid of Persons with Autism

A According to international statistics, approximately 50 000 persons in the Czech Republic suffer from autistic spectrum disorders. The aim of the civil association APLA-Prague (Association in aid of persons with autism) is to provide individuals with autism the kind of support that will enable them to live, work and educate themselves in the common world.
B Children come to the centre for a specialised examination at the recommendation of a paediatrician, children’s psychiatrist, neurologist or pedagogue. Children are also examined at the request of their parents. The goal of the examination is to confirm or disprove the diagnosis of autism and its related disorders. Another step is to familiarise the parents with the characteristics of the disorder. The specialists also make visits to the household, where they suggest how to modify the environment and regime of the household, or solutions to other problems, which the family may be encountering.
C We offer therapy for problematic behaviour (aggression, auto-aggression, stereotypical movement without a purpose, undressing in public, screaming, verbal abuse, obscenities and more). Within the scope of therapy, we offer group role-play of situations on social behaviour. The groups are held once a week for one hour and are intended for persons from 7 years of age and up. With regards to older participants, cognitive therapy is focussed on possible depression or anxiety. In addition, we offer individual role-play of situations.
D Personal assistance (expert trained University students) provide accompaniment to children to and from school, to extracurricular activities, sports or leisure time activities. Once or twice a month we organise relax weekends for parents of children and adults with autism. From 5.00 pm Friday to 5.00 pm Sunday we take over their care. All children and adults with autism may take part in this service without any restrictions in age and the degree of their problematic behaviour. We organize the summer camp for people with autism and problematic behaviour as well. It runs in two various locations in several terms for the months of July and August.
E When visiting families, we show them, which parts of their home they can modify, the best way they can organise a daily routine for the child, where they should adjust the regime, how they can use communication tables or books. We visit facilities, which the child attends and suggest suitable educational procedures.

disprove – vyvrátit
extracurricular – mimoškolní
familiarise – obeznámit
intended – zamýšlený

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 Extracurricular activities 

2 Characteristics of the disorder 

3 Therapies and skills provided to students 

4 Cooperation with families 

5 Introduction

2) Read the article and answer the questions.

1 What is the article about?
2 What is APLA-Prague? How does it help its clients?
3 What are examples of problematic behaviour?
4 What extracurricular activities does it offer?
5 How does it help and cooperate with clients’ families?

3) Explain the following words.

1 autism
2 children’s psychiatrist
3 aggression
4 stereotypical movement
5 anxiety

4) Answer the following questions.

What are examples of mental handicaps? What are examples of physical handicaps? What is the origin of these handicaps? What types of therapies and activities are offered to the autistic clients of Apla?

Adjusted to:


  1. 1)D,B,C,E,A
    a)Article is about autism children. It´s about work with them, their behavior and care.
    b)It´s association in aid of persons with autism. There provide individuals with autism the kind of support that will enable them to live, work and educate themselves in the common world.
    c)For example aggression, auto-aggression, stereotypical movement without a purpose.
    d) They are offer sports, relax weekend with parents, camp for people with autism, cognitive therapy.
    e) They communicate with parents, help with home remediation and problem solving.
    autism - it´s a noun. It´s a psychical disorders.
    children´s psychiatrist - it´s a doctor who help children with mental problems.
    aggression - it´s a noun. It´s a behavioer dissorders.
    stereotypical movement - These are the same activities that are repeated every day.
    anxiety - it´s a noun. It´s type of psychological disease.Feelinf fear.

  2. 1)D
    3) C
    5) A

    2)1) the article is about Association in aid of persons with autism and help people with autism the kind of support that will enable them to live, work and educate themselves in the common world. It´s about their acitivites for this children.
    2) Association in aid of persons with autism. Personal assistance provide accompaniment to children to and from school
    3) problematic behaviour is aggression, auto-aggression, stereotypical movement without a purpose, undressing in public, screaming, verbal abuse, obscenities
    4) the summer camp, relax weekends for parents of children. cognitive therapy is focussed on possible depression or anxiety.
    5) the best way they can organise a daily routine for the child, where they should adjust the regime, how they can use communication tables or books.

    Autism - Autism is a disorder of children's mental development. It's a noun
    children’s psychiatrist is a doctor who studies children's mental development.
    violent behavior towards others. it is a noun
    stereotypical movement is a situation that is constantly recurring. it is an adjective
    it´s a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome. it´s a noun
