Tuesday 2 April 2013

Britain’s Street Children - Text 1

Britain’s Street Children

A Lee tries to block out memories of his childhood. He was one of five children born to a drug dealing father and heroin addict mother in the Northwest of England. His father was sent to prison when he was young and his mother turned their home into a “dosshouse for junkies” as he puts it. Lee and his brothers and sisters were often beaten: he remembers being locked in a cellar for days. His elder sister tried to look after the others, get them dressed, fed and off to school, but was only a child herself.
B When he was 13, social services finally intervened. Lee wanted to live with his grandmother, but instead he was placed in foster care. It was then that he started to run away, sleeping in sheds and cars. When he ran out of clothes he stole luggage from trains. “I was walking around in clothes that were twice the size for me,” he laughs. He shoplifted for food, and then quickly moved onto robbery and burglary to get cash.
C Sometimes people would find him asleep in the morning. He used to run as quickly as he could. One homeowner who found him in her shed used to invite him in for “bacon butty” – though she always called the police. Time after time Lee was taken back to the foster home, only to run away again. On occasion he stayed on the run for months. He saw gangs of youths hanging around, but he was never attacked, or propositioned. “I could handle myself. I wasn’t scared of that. I had a knife. And I was a loner,” he says.
D After two years, he was arrested for robbery, convicted, and sent to a Secure Unit. Released, he was allowed to go and live with his grandmother, where his siblings were. It wasn’t long before he was back in prison though: he found two teenagers breaking into his grandmother’s shed, and attacked them.
E Now 21, Lee is unemployed and pessimistic about his future. His primary education was disrupted; he only spent two weeks at secondary school. He can barely read and write. Lee was one of eight young people who I met in one middle sized town in northwest England.

bacon butty – krajíc chleba s máslem a šunkou
be propositioned – dostat nabídku
dosshouse – noclehárna
on occasion – občas
Secure Unit – výchovný ústav
to disrupt – přerušit

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 Lee was a loner
2 Lee started to run away
3 In prison
4 Lee’s family
5 Lee’s life today

2) Read the article and answer the questions.

1 What is the article about?
2 What was Lee’s family like?
3 When and how did social services intervene?
4 What crimes did Lee commit?
5 What is his life today like?

3) Explain the following words.

1 heroin addict
2 junkie
3 to shoplift
4 gang of youths
5 robbery

4) Answer the following questions.

When and why are children institutionalized? What are typical crimes they commit? How can they be punished? When do children become criminally responsible?

Adjusted to:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1)C,B,D,A,E
    2)a) This article about Lee and his live. He was born drug addicted parents. Lee wanted to live with his grandmother, but he was placed in foster care.
    from the family they started running.After two years, he was arrested for robbery and sent to a Secure Unit.Now is Lee unemployed and pessimistic about his future
    b) He has brothers and sisters and grandparents. His parents are drug addicted.
    c) When he was 13 years. He passed to foster family.
    d) Ruberry and attact teeneagers
    e) He is unemployed. He can barely read and write.
    3) heroind aadict
    junkie - people who addict on drugs
    to shoplift
    gand of youths - it´s group of youngsters who do rubbery
    robbery - when people take something and donˇt pay for it

  3. 1.1.C
    2.1. The article is about boy Lee and about how he lived and now lives his life
    2. He has five siblings and his parents used drugs, then he was in foster care, but from where he ran and make crimes
    3.When he was 13 years old he wanted to live with his grandmother but eventually he was placed in foster care
    4.Lee committed robbery and attacked the bottom of teenagers who broke into his grandmother's cottage
    5.Now Lee is unemployed and pessimistic about his future. He can barely read and write
    3.1.heroin addicts are people who cannot live without and depend on it
    2 junkie is a person who is addicted to drugs
    3 to shoplift it is a situation where one takes something that does not belong to him.
    4 gang of youths gang of youths it is group young people who do bad something for example robbery
    5 robbery when people take something and don´t pay.

  4. 1.
    c, b, d, a, e
    The article is about lee young life and his story without parents.
    He has 4 siblings. His father was drug dealer and mother was heroin addict. His father was in pricon and mother turns their home to dosshouse his older sister tried to take care of him but she was child. He wants to live with grandmotherv but he was placed to foster care.
    He was arrested for robbery and sent to a Secure Unit. And after prison he live with grantmother where attact two teenagers which breaking into his grandmother’s place.
    Now he is free but he does not have education.
    Drug addiction.
    Person who takes drugs.
    It is situation when someone take things that doesn't own.
    It is group of young people.
    It is criminal thing, when someone steal things.
