Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Are Czech Children’s Care Homes Still Using Cage Beds? - Text 5

Are Czech Children’s Care Homes Still Using Cage Beds?

A On Tuesday night, the BBC broadcast a report on its 10 O’Clock News programme, showing children in Czech care homes locked-up in caged beds. The use of cage beds in Czech institutions such as children’s homes has provoked international outcry in the past, and at the beginning of 2007, they were banned by Czech law. The report suggests, however, that the majority of Czech children’s care homes are continuing to use them, and violating the law – but the government claims that nothing illegal is shown in the report, and that the beds featured are more like cots than cages.
B Cage beds in Czech institutions have created uproar in the past. In 2004, the novelist JK Rowling wrote to President Václav Klaus, calling for such beds to be outlawed in the country’s hospitals. The government acted, and cage beds were banished from Czech psychiatry wards. In early 2007, a new law was drafted which banned them from the country’s children’s care homes as well. But on Tuesday, the BBC aired a report which suggested that care homes were breaking the law, and that the practice of locking up children – some well into their teens – in caged beds continued.
C In the past, the use of such beds was defended by those who said that a lack of trained staff meant that children might hurt themselves if left to run free, and that tranquilizing patients was an even less humane option.
D Today, the Ministry of Social Affairs reacted to the BBC report. Štěpán Černoušek is a ministry spokesperson: “The point is that the beds shown in the BBC report are not cages. These are normal children’s beds with removable side-flaps, which according to Czech law can be used in individual cases, on the basis of a by-law and doctor’s recommendation. The purpose is to protect children from injuring themselves.” Does the Ministry plan to investigate the BBC’s allegations? “Yes, inspectors from the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs will go to the care homes which were shown in the BBC report to see if any law has been broken. But from the images shown on the BBC, it doesn’t look like any law has been violated.”
E The beds shown in the BBC report may not fit the Czech legal definition of a cage bed. But it’s certain that a lot of people have been outraged by the images, and that the Czech Republic is now under intense international pressure to overhaul its network of children’s care homes.

allegation – neopodstatněné tvrzení
cot – dětská postýlka, visuté lůžko
to banish – vykázat
to draft – navrhnout
to outrage – pobouřit
to overhaul – renovovat, vyšetřit
tranquilizing – utišování
uproar – vřava, povyk

1) Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph.

1 The Czech Republic has to overhaul its network of children’s care homes
2 Tranquilizing patients was more human
3 Opinion of the Ministry of Social Affairs
4 A report suggests using cage beds by children’s homes
5 Rawling wants cage beds to be outlawed

2) Read the article and answer the questions.

1 What is the article about?
2 What does JK Rawling want? What has she done?
3 What does the Ministry of Social Affairs say about cage beds? What are they used for?
4 What will the Ministry of Social Affairs probably have to do?

3) Explain the following words.

1 cage bed
2 care home
3 illegal
4 trained staff
5 violate the law

4) Answer the following questions.

Where can be children without parents placed? What does “Our Child” Foundation do? What is an adoption? Who can adopt children?

Adjusted to:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1:
    2: 1.The article is about using cages in Czech republic and their expulsion and can be used in individual cases.
    2. He wrote to President Václav Klaus, calling for such beds to be outlawed in the country’s hospitals.
    3. these are normal children’s beds with removable side-flaps, which according to Czech law can be used in individual cases, on the basis of a by-law and doctor’s recommendation. The purpose is to protect children from injuring themselves.
    4. the Czech Republic is now under intense international pressure to overhaul its network of children’s care homes.
