Monday 1 April 2013

The Disabled – Questions

Answer the following questions.

What are types of handicaps?
What are reasons for being handicapped?
What types of therapies do you know?
How can they help the handicapped?
What type of impairment is blindness?
What are special aids for the blind?
What are they used for?
Who helps the blind?
What was life of the handicapped like in the past?
Has their situation improved?
What are typical problems of handicapped people?
What are problems of the blind, deaf, physically disabled?
What are types of learning handicaps?
What are learning aids used by the handicapped children?
What is IQ?
What are its levels?
What are examples of mental handicaps?
What are examples of physical handicaps?
What is the origin of these handicaps?
What types of therapies and activities are offered to the autistic clients of Apla?

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