Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Case n. 5 – 1 (Alternative family care)

Case n. 5 – 1 (Alternative family care)

A married couple came without a notice to appear to the Local Authority of Jihlava, the Department of Social Affairs, the Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children to ask you for providing the necessary information to the situation in which they got.

The marriage was closed 5 years ago, and at the time of the conclusion of marriage, they have decided to start a family. After a year, when the lady still could not get pregnant, her doctor recommended her a professional spa stay and other special examinations. Currently, doctors have ruled out the possibility of pregnancy. However, the married couple is still interested in the upbringing of a minor child. Their permanent residence is at Kamenice u Jihlavy 573.

Focus on the various forms of alternative family care, which might be appropriate in this case.

Key words and phrases to be solved:
-         The Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children
-          Married couple
-          Marriage was closed 5 years ago
-          After a  year when the woman could not get pregnant
-          A specialist recommended spa stay and other special examination
-          At present the doctors ruled out the possibility of pregnancy
-          The married couple is still interested in the upbringing of a minor child
-          They are registered for permanent residence at Kamenice u Jihlavy 573
Due to the fact that the married couple has an interest in the upbringing of the child, they can apply for inclusion into the register of applicants for foster educationadoption would be the most suitable form for them. They should submit a written request to the Municipal Authority of Jihlava. They will fill in their personal information, the motivation for taking a child into care and the concept of the child in terms of age, sex, health, ethnicity and educability. Further, they have to substantiate the current medical report, the amount of income and financial condition report, and whether they want to be included into the register of applicants for international adoption. The Municipal Authority of Jihlava will require a copy (note: it is not the same as listing!) from their criminal records and performs social inquiry with them. (proceedings for foster education at the Municipal Authority with extended competence - i.e. municipality of the III. type I)

The Regional Authority invites them to a psychological examination and assesses their current health status after acceptance of the case file of applicants from the Municipal Authority of Jihlava. After the couple is obliged to do preparation of individuals wishing to take a child for adoption – there are involved a paediatrician, paedopsychologist, social worker and adoptive parents who have taken a child into care. Furthermore, the Regional Authority decides upon inclusion into the adoption registry. If their application was rejected, they may lodge an appeal to it within 15 days from receipt of the decision. The appeal will be decided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. (proceedings for foster education at the Regional Authority I).

Key words and phrases for solutions:
-          Adoption registry
-          Adoption would be the most appropriate form of foster care
-          Submit a request to the Municipal Authority of Jihlava, the Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children
-          Personal data, motivation for taking a child into care and ideas about child's gender, age, ethnicity, health and educability are included in the request
-          Medical report
-          The amount of income and financial condition report
-          Register of applicants for international adoption
-          A copy of the criminal record
-          Social inquiry
-          The Regional Authority
-          Special psychological examination
-          Assessment of the actual health status
-          Preparation of individuals interested in adoption of a child
-          A paediatrician, paedopsychologist, social worker and adoptive parents are involved in the preparation
-          Request rejected
-          The appeal within 15 days
-          The appeal will be decided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
The case is based on the following legislation:

The Family Act (94/1963 Coll., As amended)
Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (359/1999 Coll., As amended)

The Law on Administrative Proceedings – Administrative Regulations (500/2004 Coll., As amended)

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