Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Clothes as one of the success criteria

Clothes as one of the success criteria

Although perfect administrative preparation for an interview with the employer and the preparation of the questions that might be asked are the basis for success in the selection process, there are also other necessary aspects, which will be taken into account.

Still, there are a lot of job seekers who waste their opportunity, for example by not keeping the set time and arriving late, not having the necessary and required identity papers, and their clothing does not often meet the requirements of the post.

Among the candidates, there are often concerns about the choice of suitable clothing in the sense that they do not want to give the impression of seeming reserved because of their formal clothes. From practical experience, it is possible to conclude that formal wear is never a problem, whereas too casual clothing may give the impression that you have not bothered yourself by the choice and therefore have not considered the interview to be serious.

What to wear then?

A suit or a jacket and pants, accompanied by a shirt with a tie or open-neck shirt remain the safest option for men.

Women have a more varied selection, starting from different types of costumes or combinations of a skirt and a jacket etc.

We must not forget to select shoes and other accessories properly.

When choosing clothing, we must also carefully consider the organization where our request is aiming. A bank certainly has a different dress code than a software or a transport company.

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